About the Stake

Stake History

Organized February 4, 1979.


The Burch Creek Stake was organized February 4, 1979 by Elder Gordon B. Hinckley. It consisted of the 60th, 70th, 75th, and 78th Wards which had been in Weber Stake, along with the 74th and 77th Wards which had been in Weber Heights Stake.

The 70th Ward was part of the South Ogden State from its beginning in 1963 until 1970 when the it became part of the new Weber Stake.

Our Stake Center was dedicated on Sunday January 30, 1966. Ground had been broken over two years earlier on November 9, 1963. Members of the 60th and 70th Wards contributed money and many, many hours of dedicated labor to build this building. The total cost for the building was $336,125.64. It was completed in August of 1965 and the ward had been using it for months before the official dedication.

Bishop Glen Thomas Bean, the first bishop of the 70th Ward oversaw much of the building work projects since the Ward was organized, but he had been transferred to Seattle, so our second Bishop, Robert E. Giles participated in the dedication.

The Dedicatory Prayer was given by Elder Howard W. Hunter, then of the Quorum of the Twelve and later President of the Church. In his prayer, he said "This building, Father, has been built for those of us here today and those of us who will follow after as a place where Thy message may touch all hearts of people" and "the building has been built and we reverently bow our heads in Thy presence as we give to Thee that which we have built with our hands; and paid for from Thy bounties to us; and so, we ask Thee Father, to accept this gift in the spirit in which we give it, for we love Thee and we love Thy Son and we love Thy gospel. "

We are so blessed to be the recipients of this gift, given in love and through sacrifice and with foresight toward us, whose hearts are touched by the Spirit and message of the gospel within its walls as we continue to meet and worship together.

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